2023 Achievements

In support of FEMA Search and Rescue Response Operations members of UT-TF1 deployed to:
- Vermont Flooding
- Hurricane Idalia
- Maui Wildfires
- Hurricane Lee
EM staff has continued to support V2/Saltair music events with events planning meetings and collaboration with partners and stakeholders. The final piece has been to complete and distribute event action plans to support event activities if something should happen that would exhaust resources.
Get Lucky | Get Freaky | Das Energi

Worked with Sandy City, Kearns Improvement District, Taylorsville Improvement District and Granger Improvement District to develop prescripted IPAWS messages for their communities

Worked with Salt Lake City Emergency Management on developing prescripted IPAWS messages for Wildland Urban Interface zones in Salt Lake City

SLCoEM, in coordination with the State DEM, launched WebEOC statewide

Successfully supported the spring runoff event after a record-breaking snow year

Successfully supported the Salt Lake County volunteer sandbagging event

Operations Section officer led statewide EMAC training

First drone purchased for the division’s drone program

Enhanced the readiness of the ECC bunk room with beds and bedding for activations

Operations Section Officer, Chet Ellis, receives the Distinguished Service Award for his work on the State EMAC Plan

Operations Section Officer, Chet Ellis, receives 20-years of service certificate

Developed an Emergency Coordination Center Activation and Response Plan for the MSD on 24-hour Duty Officer position